Gianvito Romano
Early Stage Researcher 1 – UNIVIE
Gianvito Romano was born in Italy in 1993. He obtained a diploma in 2012 at the “Istituto Tecnico Statale Vito Sante Longo” of Monopoli. Subsequently in the same year, after gaining a passion for chemistry, he decided to enrolled in the Materials Science course at the University of Aldo Moro studies in Bari. In 2016 he concluded his bachelor’s degree with a thesis on food packaging and in 2019 he finished his master’s degree, by a vote of 108/110, with a study on surfaces treatment. During this period, he won a fellowship in a project called “Global Thesis” which allowed him to prepare a part of his final thesis in the STRATEC Consumables company located in Salzburg. In 2020 he obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship at the University of Vienna and he started his PhD in smart labels.

Maria Angela Spirache
Early Stage Researcher 2 – NOVA
Maria Spirache graduated from the Polytechnic University Timisoara, Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in 2016. Also, in 2016 she started the Master classes at the same University and in January 2017 she took the position of researcher assistant at “Coriolan Dragulescu” Institute of Chemistry. During her work at the institute, Maria was part of two major projects “Mirror symmetry breaking in 3D periodic mesophases and in true liquids” and “Chiral Self-Assembly of Chiral and Non-Chiral Molecules”. During these projects she acquired knowledge in organic synthesis of chromophore intermediates based on fluorenone and thiophene derivatives.
Maria will be doing her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr A. Jorge Parola, working on the design of new chromogenic materials based on flavylium dyes.

Matin Forouzmehr
Early Stage Researcher 3 – TAU
Matin worked as MSc student and research assistant at Thin Film Laboratory (TFL), University of Tehran, Iran, where he pursued his goal to fabricate an enhanced THz photo-conductive antenna. He graduated on October 2018 with GPA 17.81 of 20. Moreover, he has contributions in several prestigious journal papers and conference papers.
Matin will be working in the CHARISMA project at Tampere University under Professor Lupo’s supervision on printed switches and their integration into electrochromic sensor labels.

Elin Howard
Early Stage Researcher 4 – NOVA
Elin Howard was born in Great Yarmouth, England, and grew up in Tampa Florida, Houston Texas, and Aberdeen Scotland. She moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 2016 to pursue a degree in Materials Science and Engineering, with a concentration in Structural and Functional Materials, from the Georgia Institute of Technology. While studying for her degree, Elin took a research position in the field of electrochromics working in Dr. Reynolds research group at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The two main topics she worked on were “Synthesis of High-Gap Electrochromic Polymers using Direct Arylation Polymerization”, and “Multi-colored, flexible, ITO-free electrochromic devices incorporating conducting polymers”. During this period, she also completed a 3-month internship at Ynvisible’s R&D office in Freiburg Germany to design low cost ITO-free electrochromic devices. Currently, Elin is doing her PhD through the CHARISMA project with Ynvisible at their Freiburg, Germany office, under the supervision of Dr. Carlos Pinheiro at Ynvisible, and Dr. Jorge Parola at the Universidade Nova de Lisbon.

Sunil Kumar Behera
Early Stage Researcher 5 – NOVA
Sunil Kumar Behera is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions fellow employed at LCR Hallcrest, United Kingdom. He was born in the city of Bhubaneswar, India. He holds a Five Years Integrated M.Sc. degree (2015-20) in Chemical science from Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, India. Being an INSPIRE scholar, Sunil had gained hands-on training experience in the field of Nanotechnology and Material Chemistry working in many national and international labs. He has published his master’s thesis work, titled “Layered SnS2/porous nickel foil based Schottky junction: An excellent ammonia sensor at room temperature” in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, Elsevier (IF: 10.588). Sunil’s research is focussed towards developing novel organic-inorganic hybrid thermal sensor technologies for Charisma consortium. He is enrolled for doctoral program in Chemistry at the NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal under the supervision of César A.T. Laia.

Dong-Min Diem Lee
Early Stage Researcher 6 – UNIVIE
Dong-Min Lee was born in Cheong-Ju, Republic of Korea, 1993. He moved to the UK in 2013 and completed a foundation year at INTO University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. In 2014, he started an undergraduate course in chemistry at the University of Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom . While he was studying for his undergraduate, he undertook a research abroad placement with the Prof. Anna Staubitz group at the Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany for one year. During this period, he studied two different topics: “The synthesis of organo-boron and organo-tin compounds” and “The preparation of dinucleophiles”. Afterwards, he began his Master degree research as part Prof. Bonifazi’s group at the University of Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom in 2018. His research topic was ‘Synthesis of an NCNB heterocyclic ring via a new multi-component reaction’. During this period, he also did a secondment INFUSION program for 5 months at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCT), Lisbon, Portugal. Currently, he is continuing his postgraduate study (PhD) with Prof. Bonifazi in Universität Wien, Wien, Austria.

Alberto Trevisan
Early Stage Researcher 7 – NOVA
Alberto obtained his laurea (bachelor’s degree) in chemistry in 2014 and the laurea magistrale (master’s degree) in sustainable chemistry and technologies in 2016 from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) with Prof. Alessandro Scarso. During his internships, Alberto dealt with synthesis of bisphosphonates for anti-osteoporotic drugs and synthesis of potential photo-switchable catalysts.
In 2017, Alberto joined the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) as one-year research fellow under the supervision of Prof. Attilio Citterio. Here he investigated synthesis of organic molecules for optical fibres coatings.
Current research interests include synthesis and self-assembly of block copolymers into polymersmes and vesicles for smart labels applications.
Alberto is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. A. Jorge Parola at the NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Hamed Pourkheirollah
Early Stage Researcher 8 – TAU
Hamed is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions PhD candidate in the program of Computing and Electrical Engineering in Tampere University. In his research, he focuses on Printed energy harvesting and storage/system integration. The overall goal of his doctoral dissertation is to develop an integrated, flexible energy harvesting and storage module incorporating printed photovoltaic cell modules for harvesting, a battery for long term storage, and the printed supercapacitor modules, as well as to integrate this energy module with a complete smart label. He received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, Micro and Nano- Electronic Devices in 2019 from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran polytechnic), Tehran, Iran. He wrote his M.Sc. thesis in the Micro Bio-Technology Lab (MBTechLab) on “Design and fabrication flexible polymeric dry electrodes by MEMS fabrication process for the long-term monitoring of ECG”. He published several papers in related journals, conferences and patents in Iranian Institute of Invention on his work during his master’s degree. His extracurricular activities include Chess, Swim, Jump rope and Badminton.

Fabio A. S. Leite
Early Stage Researcher 9 – UNIVIE
Fábio A. S. Leite is a Project Development Specialist at Ynvisible developing novel electrochromic technologies. He holds a BSc in Biochemistry and a MSc in Bioorganic Chemistry from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Fábio has gained hands-on experience in the field of printed electrochromics as a junior scientist in different EU projects. Following his passion for Material Science, Electrochromics and the Internet of Things, in 2020 he joined the CHARISMA project as a PhD student in Vienna University. Fabio’s main research topic is the development of Printable Polymer Electrolytes.